World Trade Center on 11 September 2001

11 September coincidences

An obscure fact

The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 (9/11) were the first major geopolitical event in the Internet era. The Internet made it easier for conspiracy theories to spread. And 9/11 proved a real treasure trove if you have a suspicious mind. Nowadays, 9/11 conspiracy theories are a bit outdated, like those regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Most people moved on, and crazier beliefs emerged. That obscured a remarkable fact. No other event in history came with so many peculiar coincidences.

The perpetrators were a secret group within the deep state, maybe Jews, conspiracy theorists claim. Perhaps they were not paranoid enough. Osama Bin Laden and the terrorists believed they were executing the will of God. And they may have been right. What might strike you about these coincidences is that many seem inconsequential. However, the combination of these incidents appears improbable. And it is beyond the competence of possible deep-state conspirators to pull this off.

The Berlin Wall fell on 9 November 1989. Hence, the hallmark events of the end of communism and the war on terror were on 11/9 and 9/11 (American notation). That is peculiar. The Cold War and the War on Terror were amongst the most important geopolitical developments after World War II. A historian predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, a decade before it happened. That might also not be a coincidence.


The US emergency services telephone number is 911, while 11 September is more commonly known as 9/11. Emergency services played an important role on that day. Starting with 11 September, the remainder of the year lasts 112 days. And 112 is the emergency telephone number of the European Union.

On 11 September 2002, exactly one year after the 9/11 attacks, the winning numbers in the New York State Lottery were 9-1-1.1 Because there were two draws, the chance of drawing these numbers in this order were about one in 500.

The total number of FDNY personnel killed was 343,2 which is 7 x 7 x 7. On 7 July 2005 (7/7/7 considering that 2+0+0+5=7), the terrorist attacks in London took place.

The flight number with the most accidents is 191. Five planes with that flight number have crashed. The best-known accident was the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 on 25 May 1979.3 The digits of 191 are the same as those of 911. This made a blogger refrain from using JetBlue Flight 191.

Popular culture

In popular culture, references to the destruction of the World Trade Center appeared before they happened. That is not as remarkable as it seems. The building was an iconic symbol representing capitalism and, for that reason, an obvious target. Terrorists had already attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, so it was not far-fetched to think it could happen again. Despite that, some incidents are a bit peculiar.

On 23 December 1998, an artist formerly known as Prince was on stage in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Later that night, he did an extra performance in Tivoli. A local journalist noted that the Artist spontaneously started rapping, but not about his usual themes, love, sex, and the Second Coming of Jesus. Instead, he began repeating the words, ‘Get ready to bomb Osama bin Laden,’ and ‘America, watch out in 2001.’4

Nosebleed, a Jackie Chan action-comedy scheduled for release in 2001, was cancelled because it featured an attack on the World Trade Center. The original script likely included the lines, ‘It represents capitalism. It represents freedom. It represents everything America is about. And to bring those two buildings down would bring America to its knees.5

The 2000 computer game Deus Ex came without the Twin Towers in the New York skyline. In the game’s fiction, terrorists had destroyed them. Deus Ex refers to God coming out of nowhere to interfere with the plot (Deus Ex Machina). The main character’s initials are JC, the same as Jesus Christ. Somewhere in the game, JC wakes up in a secret mansion of the Illuminati. JC can discover the code to a blast door if he makes the right choices. Behind it is an artificial intelligence called Morpheus.6

In July 2001, the band I Am the World Trade Center released the album Out of the Loop. The 11th track on the album is titled September, which makes an advance reference to 11 September combined with the World Trade Center in 2001.7

The rap duo The Coup had published an advance graphic of their late 2001 album Party Music months before 9/11. It depicted explosions in the Twin Towers near the points hit by the planes. The detonation device held by MC Boots Riley is labelled Covert Labs. Pam, the Funkstress, was holding the conductor’s batons.8

Live Scenes From New York was an album of rock group Dream Theater released on 11 September 2001. The cover artwork depicted the skyline of New York, including the twin towers of the World Trade Center, in flames. The album was recalled and re-released with a different cover.9 Issuing an album named Live Scenes From New York featuring a burning apple representing New York on 11 September 2001 is an eerie coincidence.

A 1997 episode of The Simpsons about a trip to New York showed a guidebook with the number nine, followed by the Twin Towers, seemingly referring to 9/11.10

In March 2001, Fox TV network aired a pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen in the United States. It is about a plan by rogue elements in the United States government to hijack a jet aircraft by remote control and crash it into the World Trade Center to justify an increase in military spending and a war on terror.11

In early 2001, the simulator game Trade Center Defender came out. Players had to gun down planes that were heading towards the Twin Towers.12

The 1999 film The Matrix features a reference to 11 September 2001. About 17 minutes into the film, a file folder appears containing an image of the passport of the main character, Neo. The expiry date is 11 September 2001. That is remarkable because the coincidences surrounding the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 suggest that this universe is a virtual reality like The Matrix.8


Linda and Terry Jamison, known as The Psychic Twins, predicted in 1999 that there would be terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and federal buildings in South Carolina or Georgia in 2002.13 The prediction was not accurate. But it was made on 2 November (11/2 American notation), while 112 is the European emergency services telephone number. Furthermore, Linda and Terry Jamison were identical twins like the Twin Towers.

The BBC was more accurate in predicting the destruction of the Twin Towers as well as Building Seven. The BBC never intended to make these predictions. A BBC Scotland article from 5 April 2001 headlined, ‘Twin towers to be demolished’.14 The twin towers referred to the two chimneys at Kincardine Power Station, but the choice of words is remarkable to say the least.

On 11 September 2001, a British television reporter for BBC reported that World Trade Center Building Seven had collapsed. Subtitles accompanied his words. Building Seven was still standing and crumbled 26 minutes after the reported news.15 The BBC thus ‘predicted’ the collapse of Building Seven and the Twin Towers, which makes a pair of closely related peculiar coincidences.

New World Order

On 11 September 1990, exactly 11 years before 11 September 2001, President George Bush Sr held a memorable speech. An important theme was Saddam Hussein. The first Gulf War against Iraq was about to begin.16 The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 became a pretext to start the Second Gulf War against Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Another President named George Bush ordered it. That is indeed remarkable.

George Bush Sr stated the developments presented an opportunity for a New World Order of cooperation between nations to emerge.16 One year later, on 11 September 1991, he made similar statements. Remarkably, both dates are 11 September. The same is true for the recurring conflict between Saddam Hussein and two Presidents named George Bush. It is another pair of closely related peculiar coincidences.

In September 2000, a group of neoconservatives published a study named Rebuilding America’s Defences. Their report stated it would be difficult to rebuild the military unless some catastrophic event like a new Pearl Harbor occurred.17

A few months before 11 September 2001, the plans for a secret operation named Operation Northwoods were declassified. America’s top military leaders drafted them in the early 1960s. They included hijacking planes and orchestrating violent terrorism inside U.S. cities to provoke a war with Cuba.18 The declassification of these plans occurring just before the attacks is noteworthy.

On 11 September 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted a military exercise, Global Guardian. One of the simulated scenarios was the hijacking of planes.19 And so, the attacks caused more confusion than they would have done otherwise.

On 11 September 2001, the official Bin Ladin family’s website domain expired.20 On the same day, a defence contractor, the Carlyle Group, hosted a business conference in Washington. Osama Bin Laden’s brother was an honoured guest. The Bush and Bin Laden families were both involved in the Carlyle Group. Members of the Bin Laden family secretly flew out of the United States shortly after the attacks when air travel was still forbidden.21

Numerology, 11 and 11:11

Bloggers on the Internet noticed coincidences surrounding the attacks of 11 September 2001 that they believed to be spooky. Several places, items, and persons had names consisting of eleven letters. Emails have circulated, urging us to be scared because Afghanistan and George W. Bush have eleven letters, like some other names and words linked to the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

A few things are indeed a bit peculiar. The US emergency telephone number 911 compresses to 11 as 9 + 1 + 1 = 11. The European emergency telephone number 112 is also interesting. First, 112 = 56 + 56. It can refer to 11:11 as 5 + 6 = 11. And 112 + 911 = 1023, which is 1111111111 binary. Many countries have emergency telephone numbers 999 and 112 + 999 = 1111.

Two of the four flights used by the terrorists on 11 September 2001 were from American Airlines.22 American Airlines uses AA for its flight codes. After transforming the characters of the flight codes to digits using the scheme A=1, B=2, and C=3, they resolve to 11. It is like 11:11 happening. Both American Airlines flights had a flight number that was a multiple of 11 (11 and 77).

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Latest revision: 6 April 2024

Featured image: Plumes of smoke billow from the World Trade Center after the September 11 attacks. Michael Foran (11 September 2001). Public Domain.

1. Thousands Had Winning 9-1-1 Numbers. Sue Chan. CBS (11 September 2002). [link]
2. September 11 attacks. Wikipedia. [link]
3. The World’s Riskiest Flight. Justin Heckert. Esquire (2012). [link]
4. Prince voorspelde 9/11 in Tivoli Oudegracht. (2016).
5. The cancelled Jackie Chan movie with uncanny parallels to 9/11. Finlay Greig. (2017).
6. How Deus Ex Predicted the Future. Richard Wordsworth. (2014). [link]
7. Out of the Loop (I Am the World Trade Center album). Wikipedia. [link]
8. The Matrix Prophetic Film 911 coincidence. U2r2h Blog (2008). [link]
9. Live Scenes from New York. Wikipedia.
10. How The Simpsons predicted 9/11, Trump and Disney-Fox. The Irish Times (2018).
11. 15 Bizarre Signs In Popular Culture That ‘Predicted’ The 9/11 Attacks Before They Actually Happened. Nishant Raj (2016). [link]
13. Linda and Terry Jamison. Wikipedia. [link]
14. Twin towers to be demolished. BBC (2001). [link]
15. Controversy and conspiracies III. Mike Rudin. BBC (2008). [link]
16. Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal Budget Deficit. George Bush (11 September 1990) [link]
17. Project for the New American Century. Wikipedia. [link]
18. U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba. David Ruppe. ABC News (2001). [link]
19. Global Guardian. Wikipedia. [link]
20. Date with Destiny? Howard Altman. Philadelphia City Paper (2001).
21. The Carlyle Group: C for capitalism. Economist (2003). [link]
22. September 11 attacks. Wikipedia. [link]

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