Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary plays a central role in Christianity. The Church named the Virgin Mary the Mother of God, thereby implying Jesus was God and that God has a mother, which is indeed most peculiar if you come to think of it. You do not seek refuge in such bizarre ideas unless you try to cover up the truth. Christians later began to make statues and icons of the Virgin with the child Jesus similar to those of the Egyptian mother goddess Isis with her child Horus. And so, the Mother Goddess Mary Magdalene, the reincarnation of Eve, eliminated from the Gospels, re-entered the Church via a back door. As Christians prayed to the Virgin, she became a proxy for God.

Isis with Horus
Isis with Horus. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The Protestant Reformation was an effort to return to the scriptural basis of Christianity. The Protestants ended church traditions that lacked biblical grounds, including saints and the Virgin Mary veneration. One of their grievances was that the Virgin Mary had become more important than Jesus. Roman Catholics often pray to the Virgin Mary rather than God or Jesus. The Protestants also did away with icons and statues because one of the Ten Commandments is not to make images for worship (Exodus 20:4-5).

In this way, the Protestants eliminated a link to the essence of Christianity. The Mary-with-child imagery refers to Jesus as the Son of God the Mother. It may explain why the Virgin Mary appeared far more often than Jesus and performed more miracles than the other saints. She could be the cloak behind which God the Mother hides.

Saint Mary Bolnichka Icon
Saint Mary Bolnichka Icon.

The Quran dedicates chapter 19 to the Virgin Mary. The number 19 has great significance in Islam. Some Muslims indulge in arcane numerological explanations as to why that is so. The Quran refers to this number in the chapter named Hidden Secret. And so, the Quran may hold a hidden secret related to this number. The Quran also claims Mary was a virgin, thus confirming the miracle of the Mother Goddes. The Virgin Mary plays a central role in God’s scheme to hide Her identity.

The star and crescent became the symbol of Islam. This symbol has a long history predating Islam, as it was associated with a Moon goddess. In the Bible, the moon refers to the woman and the star to the child (Genesis 37:9). Hence, the Islamic symbol may represent the Madonna with the child Jesus or the relationship between Khadijah bint Khuwaylid and Muhammad. She was fifteen years older. A woman of Her age could have been his mother.

The St. Mary of Zion Church in Ethiopia is said to contain the Ark of the Covenant. Legend has it that the Ark came to Ethiopia with King Menelik after he visited his father, King Solomon. The ark symbolises Mary of Zion. The Ark is supposed to be the residence of Yahweh, the God of Israel.

Mary was a virgin and the mother of Jesus, while Jesus was God’s son like Adam was, the seed of the woman, and had no father. Mary is the New Eve. God announced there would be enmity between the offspring of the serpent and that of the woman (Genesis 3:15). It supposedly is a prophecy predicting the coming of Jesus. Christians believe the seed of the woman refers to the virgin birth of Jesus. That is most peculiar because the woman is Eve, and the Virgin Mary was the New Eve. You can smell a rat here. And it is a huge and smelly one. So what about that rib? Did Eve give birth as a virgin? And did early Christians invent the birth story of Jesus to replace the birth of Adam from Eve thereby turning the Virgin Mary into a surrogate mother goddess?

Latest revision: 4 November 2023

Featured image: Madonna and Child, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. Public Domain.

Other images: Isis with Horus. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain; Saint Mary Bolnichka Icon. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.

1. Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion. Wikipedia.

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